Our Approach
My Approach To Bodywork
The core Moon Cycle Arts philosophy is gentleness and working within the body's tolerance to create openness and expansiveness, I don't believe in releasing trauma by creating more trauma. This means the goal is to work within the tolerance of the tissue to find where your body is ready to stretch and let go of rigidity and pain. I don't call myself a healer, instead, I come to the table with the understanding that I am honored to hold space for your healing and am witness to your process. I am not the author of your experience, I am merely witness to it. This informs my practice in that I will check in with you each session to see what your needs and goals are and then work with you to move in that direction.
The goal is for you to leave the session feeling more open and grounded in your body and for that experience to continue throughout the next week.
"I'll work from the outside in, you work from the inside out, where we meet in the middle is where the magic happens"
- Cyndi Ortolano

My Approach To Birth Work
I have been honored to support this sacred process for more than 73 births (as of 2021) and 20 years now, I believe that birth is a natural process that our bodies are meant to do, I also understand that babies are an exercise in flexibility and they bring these lessons early on. This means that I support, without judgement, any path that brings you to the point of holding your newborn. Every birth is a unique journey and I am honored to have the opportunity to walk through it with you.
As a queer person, it is important to me that all people building families feel safe and supported. As a doula, I see myself as a support to both the birthing parent and the partner, and if there is no partner I am open to expanding my role so that the birthing parent can feel supported, and have the best possible experience. My goal is to bring you education, support your choices, encourage you both, and provide snacks. MORE INFO
P.S. I never get tired of baby pictures, I love watching all the kids I saw come into the world grow up, so please, send them!
Our Story
Sabrina's Story
Sabrina has spent her life working to make a safe haven for people to experience authentic connection. Bodywork and birth work were just a natural extension of this. She believes firmly in the importance of healthy touch, the need for deep human connection and its power to heal, and that supporting a person through the life changing experience of birth is a profound honor and a way to help the next generation.
She studied massage at IPSB in Culver City (now IPSB at LEI in Santa Monica) in 2003 and went on to become a teacher there. She currently teaches the aromatherapy classes, pathology, prenatal massage, the foundational massage program and in 2020, became the director of the school. She maintains a private bodywork practice in Los Angeles and works with doula clients in the greater Los Angeles area.
In her spare time she maintains a small urban homestead, battling raccoons to keep fish in her pond and fruit on the trees. She lives with her wife, their cat, rabbit, a small flock of chickens and a host of fish who watch the chaos from a series of fish tanks and a bathtub that is now a pond.
Contact Me
Are you thinking that the best thing you could do for yourself is to book a session? Well, you're right, let's connect...